Miscellaneous Board

Sorry about that last sentence ...

Posted by Tricob on .
I know I put a smiley after it, but I was still rather rude. My sincere apologies.

- Tricob.

"Glass Tiger for life! "

In reply to: "Mock job" news posted by Tricob on .
Every once in a while I'll do a "mock job" out of obligation rather than for money.

This month and last, I've been setting up a handful of old computers to accommodate their new users. The organization has replaced the old PCs with newer systems and was ready to scrap the old ones. I see no reason to scrap a perfectly good working computer if it can be useful to someone else who can't afford to buy a new one.

So who here has voluntarily used their talents to benefit others? :-)

- Tricob.

Re: Sorry about that last sentence ...
DarkAtma -- 5/11/2007 6:03 pm UTC