Message Board

Adding a Queue feature?

Posted by KuroiNekoSophie on .
I just came across this site and have really been enjoying it! My only minor complaint is that since the downloads are only one at a time, there's no convenient way to download lots of games at once. I know keeping it to one download at a time would be far better for the sake of the site's integrity, so I propose a queue system where a user (you may choose to require them to be registered) could queue games to download so when one was done, it would automatically begin downloading the next?

And you could possibly limit the queue size to 10 or 20 or something, whatever works. But either way it would make downloading large amounts of ROMs at a time more convenient without greatly increasing the workload of the servers.

Also, I'm a web programmer, and I'm somewhat experienced in working with HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CSS, and SQL, so if help was needed to implement this feature I would be more than willing to do so.

Re: Adding a Queue feature?
DerpySnake -- 8/19/2019 11:22 am UTC
Re: Adding a Queue feature?
KuroiNekoSophie -- 8/19/2019 2:22 pm UTC
Re: Adding a Queue feature?
KuroiNekoSophie -- 8/19/2019 2:26 pm UTC