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Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?

Posted by oakhead69 on .
As for the .

On Windows:
"tutorialDiff." and "tutorialDiff" are the same thing.

If you create a file on windows with a dot at the end it will remove the dot.

On linux:
"tutorialDiff." and "tutorialDiff" are different files.

I expect on a PS3 on the internal drive they will be treated different, but in an external FAT32 drive I expect they will be treated the same.

So internal (I expect) "tutorialDiff" would not work, on external (I expect) "tutorialDiff" will work.

The real file name in the iso is "tutorialDiff."

"tutorialDiff." is impossible to create on a Windows FS.

Hope this exlpains the . issyue :).

In reply to: Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly? posted by EmptyEnvelope2 on .
Ok, so either the header for some reason can't handle files without a dot at the end (or so I read), or there is really a dot at the end of the file and the dump is wrong. I'm inclined to think it's the last one since, like I said, Windows can't handle files ending on a dot. Or maybe 7z on his end or my end is doing something weird with the dot.

I'm using Linux right now, so I shouldn't have any problems with having a dot at the end of the filename or not.

Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
EmptyEnvelope2 -- 6/22/2021 5:00 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
oakhead69 -- 6/22/2021 5:07 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
EmptyEnvelope2 -- 6/22/2021 5:24 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
oakhead69 -- 6/22/2021 5:38 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
EmptyEnvelope2 -- 6/22/2021 5:59 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
oakhead69 -- 6/22/2021 6:09 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
EmptyEnvelope2 -- 6/22/2021 6:22 pm UTC
Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?
EmptyEnvelope2 -- 6/22/2021 4:57 pm UTC