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Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly?

Posted by EmptyEnvelope2 on .
Thanks. I wonder if it would be worth fixing the dump by placing a dot at the end of the file using another operating system. Probably not, but hey, at least there are these message in case someone wonders why IRD verification is not working for the ISO.

In reply to: Re: Minecraft (PS3) dumped incorrectly? posted by oakhead69 on .
As for the .

On Windows:
"tutorialDiff." and "tutorialDiff" are the same thing.

If you create a file on windows with a dot at the end it will remove the dot.

On linux:
"tutorialDiff." and "tutorialDiff" are different files.

I expect on a PS3 on the internal drive they will be treated different, but in an external FAT32 drive I expect they will be treated the same.

So internal (I expect) "tutorialDiff" would not work, on external (I expect) "tutorialDiff" will work.

The real file name in the iso is "tutorialDiff."

"tutorialDiff." is impossible to create on a Windows FS.

Hope this exlpains the . issyue :).