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Re: Converting .nkit.iso to .iso on Manjaro Linux

Posted by EmptyEnvelope2 on .
Note: The version of Nkit in the AUR is the same as the one provided here in the lair, just set up to automatically run from your path using mono.

In reply to: Re: Converting .nkit.iso to .iso on Manjaro Linux posted by EmptyEnvelope2 on .
You can run the version of Nkit from the Lair using mono through the command line. Be sure to use recover to iso instead of only converting, so that it searches for a valid partition if it doesn't find one specific to the game you're trying to convert.

Re: Converting .nkit.iso to .iso on Manjaro Linux
Tom Dude -- 10/31/2021 3:40 am UTC
Re: Converting .nkit.iso to .iso on Manjaro Linux
Tom Dude -- 10/31/2021 3:47 am UTC