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Help with modded xbox

Posted by Big J on .
Hi, nice site!

I have a modded Xbox running unleash x with coin ops 7 stand alone and about 15 ROMs. I set this up a few years ago, Very bare bones.

I haven't used the emulator in at least a year but fired it back up just recently and was able to play all the roms as I did when originally setting it all up.

This past week I decided I wanted to add some more ROMs and have been unable to do so. I've tried ftping new emulators into my emulators folder with no success. I've also tried ftping new ROMs into my working coin ops 7 emulator with no success (making sure they go into the correct console folder with proper file name structure).

In either case I cannot get anything new to show up on my unleash x dashboard.

I can see the new files by using the unleash x file browser, so I know they are transferring successfully. But it's like they are not installing or extracting properly, keeping the emulator from working. I guess that's the part I may be doing wrong??

Would anyone well-versed in this be willing to help me out a bit?
