Cool World

Votes: 7
Reviews: 1

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Reviewer: Rizzian Date: Nov 12, 2001
Even if you loved the Ralph Bakshi movie, you will loathe this game. It is a poorly constructed side scroller that is about as monotonous as you can get, even for the typically poor category of movie tie-ins. You play as the Val Kilmer 'toon detective, running around avoiding meaningless attacks by equally meaningless monsters, all the while collecting erasers and other items. Not suggested by this reviewer.

Graphics: 4
The graphics are below par for this era of nintendo games, and compared to other side scrollers, even the essential Super Mario Brothers, they are lackluster.

Sound: 3
Poor sound quality, but not bad enough to be distracting from the otherwise wretched gameplay.

Gameplay: 1
I've seen better games for the TI-86. Non-intutive interface, poor control, and few options.

Overall: 3
This game should never have been released, as it is uninspired and essentially just promotional for the only so-so film.

Although it is only marginally more fun to play, ""Who Framed Roger Rabbit"" is a better example of adapting a movie to a video game. This game is not fun.