Rom Request Board

Hey how about those remastered Sega games?

Posted by MacUser2 on .
System: PlayStation 3

For the PS3 and XBOX 360 there's a bunch of titles that you could download that were remastered and perfect ports. Virtua Fighter 2, Fighting Vipers, Sonic The Fighters, Daytona USA, Jet Set Radio HD, Space Channel 5 Part 2, ect. I think it'd be great to have those preserved for future generations instead of being stuck with just Saturn/Dreamcast/PS2/Gamecube versions.

Re: Hey how about those remastered Sega games?
sonic3232x -- 2/2/2024 1:41 pm UTC
Re: Hey how about those remastered Sega games?
Danielle -- 1/26/2024 2:29 pm UTC