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2nd attempt

Posted by captainobvious on .
Question: What operating system are you running on? (Windows Vista? Mac OS X? Linux?)

ZIP files will not work. Make sure you unzip every file before placing it into the proper folder.
Make sure you have the latest version of WinZip. Or try WinRAR instead, it worked for me.
Let's see if I can get onto the same page as you are...
I will assume your main folder is called "epsxe170". (This was "PSFOLDER" in the guide.) In this folder should be 8 folders (bios, cheats, docs, memcards, patches, plugins, snap, sstates) and 3 files (burutter.dll, epsxe.chm, ePSXe.exe).
If your system said you needed zlib1.dll or wnaspi32.dll (or any other dll), then you should place that dll file into this main folder too. (I think you're actually supposed to register it into your system (whatever that means), but placing it into the "epsxe170" folder worked for me)

I assume your "bios" folder contains a "SCPH1001.BIN" file. (This cannot be a ZIP file. Unzip it first, if necessary).

When you download a plugin, it's a .ZIP file, right?
When you unarchive the .ZIP, it should contain the plugin as a DLL file (something like "gpuPeteD3D.dll"), and a readme or two as TXT
Open the "epsxe170" folder, then open "plugins" . Place the DLL file from the ZIP file into the "plugins" folder.
When you open ePSXe and configure your plugins, it should show up on the appropriate list. If it's a graphical plugin, it will be in the Video tab, etc.
You shouldn't need to "open" the DLL file. ePSXe will automatically detect it. ePSXe will not detect it if only the ZIP file is in there.

ONE: Unzip the downloaded plugin.
TWO: Place the DLL file(s) into "ePSXe170" --> "plugins"
THREE: Configure the plugin using ePSXe.

While configuring, I did have some issues with getting through the Wizard Guide at first, but I was able to use alternative plugins to get through it.

Oh, and the bottom of my guide was cut off. Darn size limit.

STEP FOUR, Grabbing The Games:
Games, or ISOs, are really big. You can imagine, they're on CD, and data CDs hold up to 700 MB each. You could probably put every SNES game in existence on two CDs. (That's a good marketing idea, heh heh heh...)
So, not many sites can afford the bandwidth to let the world download these titans. For your convenience, I've found one such place:
In ePSXe, go to "File" --> "Run ISO", then select your game. It may take a few seconds to load; be patient.

Remember, when you're putting files into your ePSXe folder or subfolders, don't make any new folders. Just put the files straight in there. You can make a separate folder for your games, if you like.

" "

In reply to: Thanks for the attempt BUT IT DOESN"T WORK! Help! posted by ipod on .
So I got as far as step two, that is where the shit got fucked. When trying to configure the BIOS in step 3, I followed your fucking instructions but guess what!!! I download the plugin, I open the plugin file, I put the plugin file into my epsxe file main plugin file, I try to extract the files contained within and I get a message saying: "can't extract fucking file as archive!" I read the text documents/read me files contained within for some help and all I get is gibberish! I've tried this for every fucking graphics plugin available! What the fuck! So close yet NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate my life! Someone help me! More detailed explanations! PLEASE!