Vimm's Lair: Miscellaneous Board
Miscellaneous Board

Re: Games That You've Beaten

Posted by Tricob on .
The difficulty of many games was ramped up deliberately high at the time ... namely at the request of Nintendo. Anyway, congrats on your achievement. :-)

- Tricob.

"Glass Tiger for life! "

In reply to: Re: Games That You've Beaten posted by Tarbolde on .
I first played Amagon as a weekend rental in 1989 and found the game to be rather difficult.


-as Amagon, getting hit by anything or falling offscreen costs a life
-the novice will waste ammo and quickly run out
-variable-height jump takes some getting used to
-continues aren't available until Zone 4 (7 levels in)

Amagon seemed so hard that it didn't get much play that weekend; I'd rented several other games and mostly played the ones with easier learning curves.

The next year I saw Amagon selling for ~$10 and bought it, along with two other games. In a repeat of what happened over that rental weekend, I rapidly became frustrated with Amagon, put it aside, and played through the other two games instead.

It took a substantial effort, through a considerable amount of preparation, to overcome my negative mindset and convince myself that it was even *possible* to beat Amagon, but finally I believed again that it could be done (the first step toward beating any game) and with renewed determination set off on the path to victory; there was no turning back now.

After playing persistently for many hours I started to make some progress. Although skill is important, Amagon isn't so much a game that you get good at as it is a game that you get used to. And I was certainly used to recovering lost ground by the time I got to Zone 4 and the ability to continue. From there my NES stayed on constantly and I fervently hoped that there was no power outage. Even with continues the gameplay remains tough, but by now I had the rhythm down and made good time in cutting through the remaining six levels. Having been trounced so thoroughly twice before, completing it was a fine moment to add to my video gaming résumé.

For some time I thought that Amagon must have previously been an arcade game, such is its demoralizing level of difficulty, but the NES version is all we've got.


"Be Prepared For Your Mission!"

Tarbolde -- 4/17/2016 8:59 pm UTC