Vimm's Lair: Miscellaneous Board
Miscellaneous Board

Tricob wear

Posted by Syntax on .
tricob walk up to evil dungeon wear the folowing:

-truckr hat presint from mom on 35th bday
-red flanel shirt, stole from homless uncl
-ugly pants sewn together pices of amrican flags
-haedpones lsiten tape rcorder mesage to swalow my sadness
-atari 2600 contrlr in right hand, cable severed
-in left hnd walmrt shoping bag wit folowing insid:
-wilfenstein 3d dugeon map
-stack of eight 40mb hard drives in raid array
-expir food stamps
-doctors diagosis of scizophrenia
-police restranin ordr cant go witin 2 miles of chrilden
-window95 for dummies book 1st ed
-hanwriten list of incomplet projects, writing faded by tears

gogogo halp pepsibet she gone missing insid 10 yr ago