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Re: how do i get controler to work with Snes9X

Posted by oldschoolrocker on .
(Your subject's too long so I had to shorten to reply.)

I got my controller to work with SNES9x v1.43 although the controller broke sob. ANyways you have to make sure your controller's configured through the game controller option in Control Panel so it doesn't act as 2 buttons at once. And if you have sticks on the ocntroller the left one will act as the direction pad as well. Hope this helps.

In reply to: how do i get controler to work with Snes9X 1.43 posted by ronnie21222 on .
i have a logitech dual action and when i try to assign one movement another will change to.been trying for 1 hr now is there another snes that works better with controllers??