Vimm's Lair: Miscellaneous Board
Miscellaneous Board

Re: HD-DVD is Dead

Posted by Dhaos on .
Keep in mind though that even with the success of the PS1 and PS2 Sony's Video Game Department was still in the Red for the last couple of years. The PS3 was supposed to pull it up, but pretty much every report showed that it was losing the console war. With HD-DVD dead The PS3 might rebound (in a weird way since Blu-Ray took the lead over HD-DVD because of increased PS3 sales during the Holidays), that is of course if the rumors that a 360 Blu-Ray addon turn out to be false.

*MORE USELESS INFORMATION!* Sony's first product was a rice cooker.

In reply to: Re: HD-DVD is Dead posted by Tricob on .
>Well it's pretty much official now. Toshiba unofficially announced they will cancel production of HD-DVD products. After some of the major movie studios became Blu-Ray exclusives and with Wal-Mart, Netflix, Best Buy, etc. saying they're no longer going to carry HD-DVD the system has died. So go ahead and discuss that!

If it means that the DVDs already produced and sitting on shelves will have the prices stripped, that'd be good for me. It's outrageous that the Casanova DVD is still selling for $18.

>How the hell could SONY win a format war? They're the jackasses that gave us BetaMax, MiniDisc, UMDs, these obnoxious Memory Stick Pro Duo cards, and ATRAC for Christsakes.

They did release the Sony Playstation 1, 2, and 3, though. And they've done good TVs, VCRs, and DVD players also. So they apparently can't go wrong all the time. :-)

- Tricob.

Re: HD-DVD is Dead
Tricob -- 2/24/2008 2:52 pm UTC
HD-DVD addon for Xbox 360 drops to $50
Dhaos -- 2/25/2008 1:40 pm UTC
Hands down
Terence -- 2/26/2008 2:08 pm UTC