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Input issues

Posted by captainobvious on .
Sounds to me like you don't know what keyboard keys refer to which controller buttons.

There should be a way to set "input" in your emulator.
[In FCEU its under Config --> Input... --> Configure]
There, you can set what keys respond to which buttons (For example, you can set the "z" key to be the same as pressing "A" on a controller.)
I think the defaults for FCEU were Alt,Ctrl,Enter,Tab, and the ArrowKeys.

Your emulator may be a bit different. Try the "readme.txt" file,
or explore on your own. You never know what you may find!

(btw, the Control Pad moves the helicopter (up=accelerate, down=reverse, left/right rotate))
(Very fun game, like Chopper Attack on N64 only simpler)

(If this does not help you, include what emulator you use next time and I will give you step by step instructions.)

" "

In reply to: Firehawk for nes posted by poseidon waves on .
Okay I bought the game for Nes called Firehawk (because it was shiny) anywho I got the rom off the internet but I don't know how to play it. How do you move the helicoptor?