Welcome to the WiiWare Vault. This Vault contains every known WiiWare disc in the world, catalogued by No-Intro. To play them you'll need an emulator from the Emulation Lair.
Have 3284 of 3284 media (100%) |
No-Intro dat: 2024-07-26 |
Hydroventure | 8.95 |
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | 8.94 |
Mii Channel | 8.92 |
Wii Menu | 8.92 |
World of Goo | 8.90 |
Bejeweled 2 | 8.87 |
Sexy Poker | 8.87 |
Cave Story | 8.85 |
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth | 8.83 |
LIT | 8.82 |
Mii Channel | 9.21 |
Hydroventure | 8.97 |
Sexy Poker | 8.90 |
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth | 8.90 |
Wii Menu | 8.87 |
World of Goo | 8.87 |
Home Sweet Home | 8.84 |
LIT | 8.82 |
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | 8.81 |
Bejeweled 2 | 8.76 |
Mii Channel | 9.22 |
Wii Menu | 9.06 |
Hydroventure | 9.01 |
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | 9.00 |
Mega Man 10 | 8.98 |
Cave Story | 8.88 |
World of Goo | 8.88 |
Home Sweet Home | 8.86 |
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth | 8.83 |
LIT | 8.82 |
Hydroventure | 8.95 |
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney | 8.92 |
World of Goo | 8.90 |
Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth | 8.88 |
Wii Menu | 8.86 |
Mii Channel | 8.86 |
Cave Story | 8.85 |
Sexy Poker | 8.84 |
Home Sweet Home | 8.84 |
Bejeweled 2 | 8.83 |