Message Board

Possibly corrupted files

Posted by Calbrinna on .
Hello, New to the emulator scene and was downloading a few games I wanted to play on Xenia and found some issues with playing the following titles: Assassin's Creed: Rogue, Lego: The Hobbit, and Lego: Lord of the Rings. The two Lego games had graphics issues which I had originally assumed would be resolved the further I got in as when I play other games and there are graphics issues they tend to go away after some time. The Assassin's Creed: Rogue game though seems to crash Xenia when I attempt to open it. Unsure if this is a known issue as I've read through a few pages of the message board and all the FAQ's.

"So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause."

Re: Possibly corrupted files
Danielle -- 5/4/2024 10:55 pm UTC