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Re: Final Update

Posted by Danielle on .
Nintendo is no different than Microsoft or Capcom, they're all for-profit capitalist enterprises exploiting the labor of the creative workers they employ and holding exclusive control over those creations.

How is IP "protected" when you ban distribution of a work that you yourselves don't even sell or make available to the public anymore? It would be one thing if Nintendo was simply taking down downloads of games they still sell, but that's not what they're doing. They want to reserve the right to make a game disappear, to control where, when, and how you play their games and if you can play them at all. That's not a reasonable demand.

IP law exists only for the capitalists who own intellectual property. It always has and can never be anything else. These interests will inherently come into conflict with the interests of consumers and of archivists. That is where my interests lie.

In reply to: Re: Final Update posted by catacombs on .
i really do not believe there is a group of japanese executives losing sleep, muttering under their breath and loathing you.
I wish I had a nickel every time I have ever seen (or heard), ‘fu#§ Nintendo’ and ‘Nintendo hates their fans’. they actually love you, giving them your money etc. these statements were made famous by entitled generation z dupes who love to rant when they don’t get their way. do anyone really believe Nintendo is any different than Microsoft or capcom or…..
it’s called intellectual rights/property. if you had a product or products worth something you would also try to protect it.