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Save as many games as you can

Posted by CeoOfZips on .
I am now in the process of archiving as many games as possible in case something goes wrong with emulating and the most popular places. I already saved the most popular games like the mario galaxy Franchise and other games which aren't available anymore on this site. I plan on saving hundreds on a storage device so that it can't die and even though many people are probably doing the same, I wish to spread the message because it seems companies are getting more aggresive

"In fear of losing our classics, I will save them all."

Re: Save as many games as you can
Technut -- 6/11/2024 11:20 pm UTC
Re: Save as many games as you can
Gaulriff -- 6/12/2024 1:56 am UTC
Re: Save as many games as you can
Danielle -- 6/12/2024 1:28 am UTC