Message Board

Thanks for all your work Vimm

Posted by bloodbayou on .
things are negative right now, but i wanted to put even the smallest bit of positivity on the board, Vimm, you're an amazing archivist along with everyone else that helps out and contributed to the lair, this site has been beacon for so long and whilst its struggling right now, i just wanted to be genuine and say this site is one of the best out there. Video game emulation, archival and preservation of games, manuals, covers and the like might not seem like a big deal to the wider world, but to me its just as important as preserving historial sites and unearthed artifacts.

even if the future of the archive is looking grim, i think theres a place of pride at how long this archive managed to run

thank you, i hope oneday, corps will realise that roms and the continued life of old games helps them in the long run, and they stop getting so posessive of their damn stuff

""Wheres everyone going? Bingo?""

Re: Thanks for all your work Vimm
hmug1738 -- 6/12/2024 8:18 pm UTC