Message Board

Re: Help!!

Posted by Terence on .
Well back in the day, grandpa used to make paper puppet figures and get a long piece of paper that scrolled past the figures. Making the illusion that the figure i'll shut up.

"Wuba luba dub dub!"

In reply to: Re: Help!! posted by shydude12 on .
yeah it does drop after a while, this sucks how am I going to play some megaman at school if it doesn't download?

Re: Help!!
jbw470 -- 12/19/2009 12:00 am UTC
Working now?
Vimm -- 12/19/2009 8:51 am UTC
Re: Working now?
jbw470 -- 12/20/2009 5:57 am UTC
Re: Working now?
Dhaos -- 12/19/2009 2:22 pm UTC
Vimm -- 12/20/2009 1:29 pm UTC
Re: Success!
spencer18 -- 12/23/2009 6:38 am UTC