Vimm's Lair: Message Board
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Re: Literally

Posted by thezone on .
It won't get fixed. When I posted about the issue my post got deleted. It wasn't a bad download. It wasn't because I didn't use the latest version of 7 Zip. It was corrupted. If you want to police the message board, that's fine. I tried to make the issue known. I'm out.

In reply to: Re: Literally posted by BlueCoyote234 on .
for a short period I was unable to access your website (I even checked to see if my PC was the problem by restarting it several times) and after I was able to access it again, I tested out a download, which was a relatively small game, Jurassic The Hunted at 2.56 GB, and it opened up with no faults. I had been quite suspicious of the timing of my issues happening right after the servers were shut down (I had read the notification, so I was not trying anything after 12 am eastern) and after that point, until I tried the Jurassic the hunted test download, every PS3 game, regardless of where in the alphabetical order it came from, from Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time to Dragon Age Inquisition came down as corrupted Zip files, even after using separate extractors and several reboots between attempts. having taken hours for each download I had been rather frustrated and was genuinely trying to track down why this had happened, and the only common denominator was the server downtime and restart between my last successful download before downtime and my first corrupted one afterward