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PS3 and PS2, some games are not working properly.

Posted by ninjastarCasper on .
I've been getting a little trouble on my emulated game to my PS3 cause when I run GTA: San andreas to my PS3 (Transferred via USB) It literally makes no sound, so I tried using an emulator called "ManaGunZ" and same thing happened, no sound. And that also applies to EVERY OTHER PS2 games I tried emulating and still no sound. But when I try emulating other PS3 games they work perfectly fine.

Long story short: GTA san andreas has no sound and sometimes crashes my PS3 and when I try emulating any PS2 game to my PS3 none of them make sound lol, what should I do?

"I like games lol, that's it."

Re: PS3 and PS2, some games are not working proper
ninjastarCasper -- 6/11/2022 11:36 am UTC
Re: PS3 and PS2, some games are not working proper
DerpySnake -- 6/12/2022 9:20 am UTC
Re: PS3 and PS2, some games are not working proper
ninjastarCasper -- 6/13/2022 5:48 am UTC