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Re: Why is everyone mad at the Pizza Tower pirate?

Posted by Hagath on .
I'd like to know if he's actually interested in making decent entertainment for all to enjoy, or if he has any ulterior motives. For a person who's never even touched the game, you sure do love it. If you're a weirdo that likes Sonic over Mario, then you'll find it fun I suppose.

Deltarune was an excuse to sell toys and t-shirts ( You can't seriously believe that he spent 8 years working himself to death. It is far more likely that he decided to give himself extended vacations while sucking up every bit of revenue he can from his game. Then as he realized he wants more money, he decided to work (very slowly) on a new project that could fill warehouses with plushies.
Undertale was made in 32 months btw.

In reply to: Re: Why is everyone mad at the Pizza Tower pirate? posted by spoonfie on .
I'm not sure what you mean by "where he stands" in relation to the Pizza Tower developer. Do you mean that you have to know information about the developer personally in order to consider buying their products? I don't really see much merit behind that, because you're obviously not going to be able to know much about developers of certain games, also considering that there are teams of sometimes hundreds of developers, as well as the producers. Even if it were a solo indie developer, knowing the personality behind the game that you're playing hardly matters, unless you have some sort of political / social alignment that is barring you from purchasing a product that you otherwise would have enjoyed.

Can't really say for myself, as I haven't played Pizza Tower, but a lot of people would disagree with your point about it being generic and not having a lot to bring to the platformer genre. From what I've seen, the game has really tight platforming, slick controls, and excellent level design -- all of which are hallmarks of a great platforming game.

Again, I'm unsure as to why you knowing details about the developer is so important. You saying that he has "wisely" decided to keep himself anonymous, and how that impacts your so-called "powerful wallet vote" really doesn't make sense to me.

I don't know about you, but I like to pay for a game on merit and gameplay before I consider looking at the developer. The developers of the game have almost no impact on what I buy, and even if they did, they'd have to do something pretty abhorrent for me to want to not purchase their game.

You make a pretty compelling argument when it comes to the 2 hour window for Steam games. i agree that 2 hours can sometimes not feel like enough to be a worthwhile trial period. I also agree that more games should strive to have free demos of their games available. It only benefits the consumers and has little to no impact on the developer in terms of creating said demo (because the content for the game has been created anyway).

Getting into your argument about Toby Fox, I feel like you're a little bit misinformed when it comes to his work. Toby Fox has most definitely put more than "a few months" of development time into his games. Considering the amount of work that goes into planning, writing, programming, and composing as a sole developer for a large project, it really goes without saying that the amount of time between releases is warranted. I feel like you're conflating the period between game releases with laziness, and that Toby is just resting on a pile of money. I do agree that he did see massive success from Undertale, but that doesn't mean that he has any reason to just shaft his user base when creating Deltarune.

Taking his time and not rushing out a project is not something I would call "insidious" or "grifter" behavior. Your argument really begins to fall apart when you consider that Toby Fox has released Deltarune Chapter 1 & 2 for free, which means a period of almost 8 years (from Undertale's release to Deltarune Chapter 1 & 2 being developed and released) where he has not received any direct monetary compensation for his development time.

You really have something against Toby Fox. I really don't see a reason to hate him this much. He's just a guy who is working on a project he's passionate about, and cultivating a community of people who appreciate his work. If you don't like it, then don't buy the official release of Deltarune or Undertale when those come out. I really don't know what else to say at this point.

Re: Why is everyone mad at the Pizza Tower pirate?
slimXradio -- 7/8/2023 12:05 pm UTC
Re: Why is everyone mad at the Pizza Tower pirate?
DerpySnake -- 7/10/2023 5:29 pm UTC