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3DS Vault? .CIA files and E-shop closure.

Posted by slimXradio on .
I think it's time gets itself involved in 3DS .CIA files. With the closure of the E-shop there are no longer legitimate ways to download copies of games you previously purchased on your 3DS hardware. This has left ALL users of 3DS hardware with no choice but to download .CIA files. Even if you have a cart you cannot get the most recent updates, DLC, etc. There is a need for a catalogue of .CIA files. The web only has a few options and they are plagued with ads, pop ups, and bloatware. I realize that there may not be a huge calling for emulation of the 3DS. But modding a 3DS is easier than ever. We have 1 click solutions available that have been well established and unpatched by Nintendo for years. The 3DS can also natively run DS games, GBA games, GB games, and GBC games. It can also run emulators on it as well up to Nin64 and ps1 era. This makes it a fantastic pocketable handheld device to emulate from.

I'm not sure if there is a formal way to request this, if there are certain laws or time periods that need to pass before it's possible, whether or not it's a matter of the .CIA files being to large for the current servers, or just needing volunteers to upload and catalogue files. But I am more than willing to devote my time and energy to make this happen. If we could get some type of idea what needs to take place in order for 3DS titles to come to the vault then please let us know! I for one LOVE the 3ds, I love what the home-brew community has done to give it a second life, and I love what the hardware is capable of doing. I want that to stay alive for many years to come. I think the vault is by far the safest, easiest, and best solution for games that are being forgotten. Thanks!

"1 Thessalonians 5:19-22"

Re: 3DS Vault? .CIA files and E-shop closure.
Chrono -- 7/10/2023 12:05 am UTC
Re: 3DS Vault? .CIA files and E-shop closure.
Random Name -- 7/9/2023 10:12 pm UTC