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Re: Why is everyone mad at the Pizza Tower pirate?

Posted by DerpySnake on .
I think the only thing that rivals the 2 hour mark is GOG with their 30 day policy, but that was only done recently.

In reply to: Re: Why is everyone mad at the Pizza Tower pirate? posted by slimXradio on .
This thread has some really bad takes in it. You can't just assume based on someones merch and release schedule that they have some evil plot to vacation and collect money off of a game. But even if that IS what he was doing... who cares? Why does it matter what he does with the money he makes? Does the player base of his games really need to worry about what he spends his money and time doing? You are acting as if he owes you something when he owes you nothing. This is a really toxic point of view. Toby Fox is an artist. He put his work out there and people like it or they don't. I am sure he appreciates his fans and there is nothing wrong with him capitalizing off of his work or taking vacations. I am sitting here scratching my head wondering why you are so concerned about this. You've obviously spent time thinking about it and decided to share your feelings online. That's concerning to me. Try to relax and just be thankful for the things that you like, and if you don't like them then just pass on them.

As for the 2 hour window thing... What an absolute blessing from valve. NO ONE offers that. We are so incredibly lucky to have steam. The amount of support they offer for their services, devices, hardware, etc. is phenomenal. To sit and complain about these things makes you appear VERY entitled. Again these people could just be super greedy and not care about you at all like most companies out there do. Be grateful for what they do offer. There is no reason to feel wronged until you have legitimately been wronged.