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Re: I am not understanding the constant attacks...

Posted by Danielle on .
This is what happens when you go on Twitter and tell every iPhone kiddie who just learned emulation exists to go to this website. If you want a ROM site to keep working, you don't post the URL on social media.

In reply to: I am not understanding the constant attacks... posted by Bl6ac6ko6ut on .
I have a myriad of ROM websites I use to compile my game catalog, and none of them are being remotely harassed, bothered, or requested to remove any content. I am somewhat new to your site Vimm, but being a gamer, I admire what you do, and I want to help you in any way I can bring down the opposing factors and restore your content. You're being single out for some reason it would seem, and I (as I am sure many others as well) have a major problem with that.