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Posted by Bl6ac6ko6ut on .
Who would be willing to revolt with me? If we can cut it off at the source ( twitter) then I would imagine we are doing some good. I am almost 40. Who wants to join me in letting these youngins know they cannot do what they are doing? I grew up with most of the titles that have been taken down because they have been given too much grandor on twitter. Who's got my back?!

Re: Revol5
TchouTchou -- 6/6/2024 10:42 am UTC
Re: Revol5
HerrHausA -- 6/6/2024 8:09 am UTC
Re: Revol5
Danielle -- 6/6/2024 7:33 am UTC
Re: Revol5
NoahFuel -- 6/3/2024 7:13 pm UTC