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Re: About the Recent issues.

Posted by zeptune on .
That makes sense. I feel like every single industry is experimenting with using AI for everything they can think of, simply because it's so hyped. Regardless of whether or not it's a good idea, regardless of whether or not it seems proper or ethical.
AI is being thrown at every possible field and application to see if it works.
In a few years I wouldn't be surprised if most experimental AI uses (like this) have been abandoned, and the rich company executives have moved on to the next big get-rich-quick scheme.

In reply to: About the Recent issues. posted by Sheena on .
Alright I registered just to post this. I've seen a lot of anger and confusion because of weird the recent takedown stuff was and I actually can explain exactly why.

'Emergent Content Protection' is the buzz term for it but the actual dirty truth is it's AI being used to DMCA. It's not smart, it's not perfect. It's ment to passivly search and hunt down 'target content' that was fed to it and 'expanded content' based on the inputs it was given.

It is ment to learn and improve as time goes on and like all AI it will use date without consent or permission. It probably found it's way here from Twitter but couldn't navagate the site properly to issue more then the takedowns then it actually did or issue proper full scale takedowns like it's supposed to.

The last AI product I interacted with that was supposed to provide auto moderation had to be shelved due to getting out of control and banning the site owners that was using it on several different unrelated incidents so I'd not be suprized if the ECP AI programs won't be a long lived thing.

Until they are shelved or become too much a problem for the ones who want to use them they will be a unpredictable danger to archives and data preservation and they have no concept of legal or illegal and what is legally allowed or not and even if given the proper data sets AI tends to get a bit squirrely. This can be seen if you ever have used a chat bot and got around their filters or guidelines. We still can't make a program that expands it's function and can 100% keep it's guidelines fully intact.

Right now the best option would be to rename the links and directories of the top level areas of the site, idealy to gibberish or random strings, and try to educate people to avoid sharing the site's sub directories on high traffic areas as long as there is still an AI threat and ECP active. It isn't 100% but it would make the top level ECP functions less effective because of the computing power needed to fish for hits without a top level pointer.

At any rate this is my opinion on what happened based on what I've seen and my personal experiences.

Camping content is irresponsible and does a disservice to the creators, especially those who are gone and their memories, and the fans alike and the entire copyright system needs a dramatic rework.