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Re: Probably Shouldn't Namedrop Alternatives

Posted by TrueGB on .
Sadly, I don't think there is anything we can do about Switch ROMs. That one is firmly in their cross hairs and it's bad form to emulate a currently active console anyway, and it would still be bad form if the Switch 2 is fully backwards compatible with the Switch. Vimm and others should just distance themselves from Switch stuff.

Everything else though was 10+ years old and nearly impossible to find or play anymore, although I did question Vimm about the risk of listing games from the 360/PS3 generation which have seen remasters and re-releases.

In reply to: Probably Shouldn't Namedrop Alternatives posted by MrPSOner on .
TL;DR: Lay low and don't namedrop alternative archival sites or sources on this site, or they may get taken down in the future.

The eye of Sauron is on VL right now, and I would expect that legal entities are combing the boards looking for additional domains to include in a mass DMCA takedown, should they go full Hollywood on the emulation scene.

I personally believe that that's the next step since 1) past-gen games are in direct competition with their newest, crappy products, 2) companies always want access control over their IPs, both active and inactive, and 3) videogames and modding/emulation are one of the last bastions of consumer freedom in the digital space, which of course means they must be crushed.

Am I just being paranoid? Maybe, but damn near all industries have had some sort of clamp down or attempt at restricting consumer choice/ownership (just look at the car industry and changes being made there), and I'd rather just play it safe.

Re: Probably Shouldn't Namedrop Alternatives
Danielle -- 6/12/2024 2:17 am UTC