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Re: The global takeover!

Posted by Thatbachus on .
Nah don't add this "Oh my god it's the elites who want to add G-G-GENDER and stuff from the original games into MY REMAKE???" to the situation.

Do you really think this is part of a big evil plan to do this? that "The elites" control everything and want to destroy us?

In reply to: The global takeover! posted by zayl on .
I have been on this site since i was 12 to 13 years old, i havent used any other website. God damn elites!! Ive probably boughtin these games 4 to 5 times over asl well, so its most likely not about money but more so erasing history and then re-adding the games to say virtual consoles like the switch. One example is paper mario for the game cube and adding the damn "gender" references.. re-writing "his"story.... perhaps this is farfetched to think but ill say it anwyas