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gaming manuals and future..

Posted by Blunder on .
they didn't have to take the dam manuals, its not a game. i dont know why vimm took them down? anyone can use the dam things. oh well, we will see another site like this one rise and tell them other people working with them companies and tell them to fuck off... this is one of the better sites for all mine and millions of ppl using this site. if anyone who reads this in (developers and mods).. we need to make a site that has the same shit and make ppl show proof of there appearance. because i didnt hear one time about anyone from the gov or the major companies shutting this down like this? we need passwords and usernames for ppl using this site or existing sites if to be? anyways! i hope the team can figure out a plan soon. untill the meantime. push all the materails towards internet archiives. uploads there please.
they have a law that protects them. please send!!!! thank you..

In reply to: News: June 5, 2024 posted by Vimm on .
Vimm's Lair has been asked to remove many games from The Vault on behalf of Nintendo, Sega, Lego, and the ESA. While most of these games (and the hardware to play them) haven't been sold in decades, ultimately it's their prerogative so these games are now gone for good.

Re: gaming manuals and future..
Espurration -- 6/22/2024 12:35 am UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
MacUser2 -- 6/22/2024 6:27 pm UTC
11000 Manuals for all
Hexenhammer -- 6/21/2024 9:59 pm UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
gorillastand08 -- 6/21/2024 11:38 am UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
Danielle -- 6/22/2024 12:58 pm UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
johngamesavior -- 6/21/2024 2:40 am UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
Danielle -- 6/21/2024 7:51 am UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
MacUser2 -- 6/20/2024 7:57 am UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
johngamesavior -- 6/21/2024 2:33 am UTC
Re: gaming manuals and future..
MacUser2 -- 6/21/2024 4:48 pm UTC