Vimm's Lair: Miscellaneous Board
Miscellaneous Board

Re: Do you guys even like Reddit

Posted by TomRiddle98 on .
I guess you are right in that you can't criticize Reddit without at least including the internet as a whole into the discussion, that we can agree on.

Maybe Reddit is special because of the diverse community that it's gotten, normally some social medias have a specific target audience that they have that either appeals to only a couple of interests if not niche.

However the problem with Reddit in my opinion is the herd mentality in certain subreddits. I said this is my last post but I'll elaborate on it further.

I believe this because if you say something different, something that said subreddit doesn't like to hear you'll get downvoted into oblivion.

Making it so that people are too scared to say what they think deep down, they just want to go with the flow because too many people care about the shitty karma balance.

Along with that their are some stupid or even toxic communities on Reddit, for instance r/aita isn't really being challenged for your beliefs on being an asshole or not, it's about being validated.

Another example is r/gaming where it's just endless nostalgia bating and shit memes.

IDK of it's just Reddit maybe I'm just getting tired on the internet and need to touch grass...

PS. Sorry for my other blank post, was an accident.

"Oh so you're a dumpbro, right? Then prove your legally owned copy of Mother 3."

In reply to: Re: Do you guys even like Reddit posted by DerpySnake on .
I think Reddit is a good explanation of the internet. One moment you might be talking to the nicest people to exist online, the next you could find someone who wants to ruin your day simply because it's Tuesday.

Reddit has so many people with different interests and views that I think they just end up colliding a lot, which can of course cause friction.

It also depends on that day they're having - have you ever felt like you've been far too unreasonable/rude or oddly nice? Humans are fickle creatures when it comes to emotions. Sometimes I feel like I want to hug everyone I meet, other times I just shout.

In the end, I think that's all it really is - Reddit has so many different people, it's hard to nail it down to one thing, you know? Guess that's what makes Reddit special.

Re: Do you guys even like Reddit
ds1615 -- 3/7/2022 12:01 am UTC
Re: Do you guys even like Reddit
KirsVantas -- 3/7/2022 4:01 pm UTC
Re: Do you guys even like Reddit
TomRiddle98 -- 3/7/2022 4:34 am UTC
Re: Do you guys even like Reddit
ds1615 -- 3/7/2022 3:23 pm UTC