Vimm's Lair: Miscellaneous Board
Miscellaneous Board

Re: Game recommendations?

Posted by Tricob on .
My knowledge kind of goes before the 3-D genre. But if that's what you're after, there's this Sega Genesis game called Atomic Runner. This was where Sega really got serious with the quality of their Genesis games. It was a high-profile title for a while, but about two years after it was released, no one ever mentioned it again. Even the nostalgia wave couldn't bring it back into popularity. The Genesis game Ristar seemed to suffer a similar fate.

There's also "Pitfall - The Mayan Adventure" for numerous platforms. I could never get a handle on the controls of the SNES version, but maybe it was just my emulator. The 32X and Sega CD are the best versions, but go for the 32X version if you want to skip the load times. Though I know neither version is in the Vault.

- Tricob.

"Glass Tiger for life! "

In reply to: Game recommendations? posted by ShaunaKitty on .
As the title states, I want to hear what everyone's recommendations are! You can get super niche, idc if you're the only person you've known to ever play the game I love obscure gems.