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Burning game to DVD to play on PS2

Posted by averydavery on .
I have a repro copy of Blood Will Tell (two actually) that works just fine, the only issue is that my PS2 is old as hell and doesn't read CD-ROMs only DVDs, I don't want to spend money on getting the laser serviced and I don't have the technical know-how to adjust the laser reader (I know there's YouTube videos but I just don't trust myself). I know it's not possible to burn content from a CD onto a DVD, so I was wondering if I could download the .iso for Blood Will Tell from here and then burn it to DVD to play on my PS2. I have Free McBoot that could run it.

Will this work?

Re: Burning game to DVD to play on PS2
SOULSHOCK -- 10/27/2023 7:53 am UTC
Re: Burning game to DVD to play on PS2
rave -- 10/19/2023 4:12 am UTC