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Re: emulation for wii (PROBABLY IMPORTANT)

Posted by Danielle on .
Dreamcast is probably a bit too advanced for the Wii to emulate, but stranger things have happened. At the moment, however, there are no dedicated Dreamcast emulators for the Wii. RetroArch does have a port for the Wii, and there are libretro cores that can emulate Dreamcast (most notably Flycast), so that could be a route for Dreamcast emulation on Wii. Flycast isn't included in the default build though, and I haven't seen any unofficial builds include it either. Your best bet is to go to this GBATemp thread and ask them nicely if they could compile it for you.

In reply to: emulation for wii (PROBABLY IMPORTANT) posted by sanicdahegehod on .
so i think a dreamcast emulator for wii would be pretty nice. i wanna play SA2 on my wii.(i don't have a memory card so i cant work SA2 battle on GC.)

the wii could have some performance issues, but please i need a emulator.

(btw hope my wii won't catch on fire if i try running a DC game o_o)