Rom Request Board

Re: im looking for my dream game

Posted by Dhaos on .
I see you're in Denmark, so I have to ask if you don't mind if it's in Japanese or not. Those games were only released in Japan and I believe only Captain Tsubasa 2 (NES) has an English translation. You can get that at this link

I uploaded all the Japanes SNES Captain Tsubasa Games at this link: Adrive Captain Tsubasa III, IV, V, J.
There might be a German or French Translation of Captain Tsubasa III, and a French translation of Captain Tsubasa IV, but I do not have those.

In reply to: im looking for my dream game posted by karim23 on .
i would be greatfull if someone could help me out to download captain tsubasa 2 3 4 and 5 games on my pc