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ECM extensions explained

Posted by cLoudGLPong on .
So a lot of people are asking me how to use "*.*.bin.ecm" images with a PSX emulator.
this is an easy procedure however confusing.

First step is to download the precompiled binaries for your operating system. which can be found here

after downloading and extracting the pack using 7Zip, you will have a collection of executables. The only important one in this folder is "unecm.exe"
Now here's the fun part, simply drag the desired file (in this case i'm going to use FF7.bin.ecm) onto the "unecm.exe" file.
Rightclick and hold on the file then drag the file and drop it onto the "unecm.exe". You will be given the option to "Open with", select that and a command prompt will popup and extract the file! VIOLA!

now your ready to run your Emu and "Run ISO" select the .Bin file for the game you want to play :-)

Re: ECM extensions explained
cLoudGLPong -- 8/30/2011 8:28 pm UTC