Miscellaneous Board

Re: Worst ideas in gaming history

Posted by Tricob on .
Gotta be this *terrible* RPG game that only accepted numbers as its input. There weren't any maps you manuevered around in or anything. Here's an example of the game screen:


At this point, you're supposed to enter a number between 1 and 4. If it's any less, it'll say that you need to put in more points than that. If it's any more, you won't have enough points left for S and D to get to the actual game, so you'll have to "Break" the game and restart it.

So let's say you enter in:

>I? 2
>S? 2
>D? 2

You get to the actual game. It says:

>Facing goblin. Fight or Retreat?

Except when you enter in the word "Fight" or "Retreat", it says:


Which means you're supposed to enter a number. So, which number is supposed to be Fight and which one Retreat? No way to know but just to guess. So you enter in:


It says:

>Cannot fight. No sword.

So now you gotta sword, only you can't because there's no Search command. Just Fight and Retreat. So you enter in Retreat (a.k.a. "2") since you can't fight. It says:

>You trip over abandoned sword, pick it up.
>Goblin followed you.
>Facing Goblin. Fight or Retreat?


- Tricob.

"Glass Tiger for life! "

In reply to: Re: Worst ideas in gaming history posted by johnross on .
*Beer can sitting on stomach over wife beater, reads solis' post, throws up chips on the computer screen laughing so hard his toe nails start to rot, then his wife comes in and beats the shit out of johnross*

or not

Re: Worst ideas in gaming history
johnross -- 7/21/2006 6:34 pm UTC
Continuing worst game ...
Tricob -- 7/20/2006 11:47 pm UTC
Re: Continuing worst game ...
Syntax -- 7/22/2006 11:52 pm UTC
Re: Continuing worst game ...
Tricob -- 7/23/2006 9:34 pm UTC
Re: Continuing worst game ...
Syntax -- 7/25/2006 3:46 am UTC
Re: Continuing worst game ...
Syntax -- 7/26/2006 4:51 am UTC
LOL; no, definitely the former ...
Tricob -- 8/7/2006 10:15 pm UTC
Re: both my but checks are sore
johnross -- 8/15/2006 9:40 am UTC
Re: Continuing worst game ...
johnross -- 7/21/2006 6:35 pm UTC
LMFAO! -nt-
Tricob -- 7/23/2006 9:36 pm UTC
No, giraffes can't scream for help -nt-
johnross -- 8/7/2006 2:36 pm UTC