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guy game for ps2 = illegal

Posted by leon626 on .
so this is actually kinda well known there was a whole lawsuit too it but the guy game for ps2 and possibly other systems contain someone who is 17 years old who at the time lied about their age to get on the show appears naked. as you can tell that is child porn. someone might want to do something before police get involved. if you need any proof just search it up there is thousands of articles about it. tbh im surprised no one brought it up yet

Re: guy game for ps2 = illegal
DerpySnake -- 9/20/2021 8:25 pm UTC
Re: guy game for ps2 = illegal
Hamza lone -- 9/20/2021 1:09 pm UTC
Re: guy game for ps2 = illegal
bartman -- 9/20/2021 2:41 am UTC