Miscellaneous Board

Re: PC manufacturers not from China

Posted by Danielle on .
"New", "budget", "not made in China." You can only pick two, and even then, there are certain components that are almost impossible to find that don't have some level of Chinese involvement.

The actual chips for AMD CPUs are made in Taiwan, but the silicon is from China and the assembly is done in China. You want an Intel CPU if you want to avoid China, since they only ever had one fab in China and they sold it off in 2021.

If you're avoiding China for moral reasons, I would question whether Intel is any better since they mostly produce stuff in the US and Israel, neither of which are paragons of human rights, but it's your choice.

If it is a moral reason, then you can just get stuff used and you won't have to worry about your money going to any of the manufacturers, and you'll also be saving a good amount of money. Used and refurbished computer parts aren't a bad deal most of the time if you don't mind not having a warranty.

In reply to: PC manufacturers not from China posted by IlikeFruits on .
Hello there.
Quick question:

I'm planning a new build, budget pc.

I don't want pc components made from Mainlad China.
Lots of manufacturers are from Taiwan which is good, however when it comes to where they produce its components... still made in China.

Any suggestions?

By the way; I'm getting an AMD cpu hopefully with a motherboard that has built in WiFi and BT.