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Re: The global takeover!

Posted by Foxfyre on .
Regarding the gender references:
That's actually how Vivian was portrayed in the original Japanese version on the Gamecube. The English localization removed that part. So they didn't actually add anything at all, they simply didn't remove it this time around.,..not%20their%20brother."

In reply to: The global takeover! posted by zayl on .
I have been on this site since i was 12 to 13 years old, i havent used any other website. God damn elites!! Ive probably boughtin these games 4 to 5 times over asl well, so its most likely not about money but more so erasing history and then re-adding the games to say virtual consoles like the switch. One example is paper mario for the game cube and adding the damn "gender" references.. re-writing "his"story.... perhaps this is farfetched to think but ill say it anwyas