Miscellaneous Board

I salute you Vimm!

Posted by ipod on .
When I first came to this site over a year ago it dawned on me that I could finally re-live those good old times. I'm not gonna front, when I wanted a video game when I was little, I had to buy all my games, and my parents would only allow me to rent one game per week. So I missed out on all the classics. But now I'm all grown up and havea a job and most of all responsabilities. I'm in the army now, active. Stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. My division is set to go out to Iraq next January for a 15 month tour. So as you can guess I wont be bringing my xBox 360 or any console for that matter. But I will be bringing my laptop. & with that comes these old games for my entertanment. So you're not just perserving the classics Vimm, you're supporting our troops for a there are soldiers here who also indulge in the plessure these games provide. God bless America, and god bless Vimm! As the army would say: "Hooahh!!!"

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