uDraw Studio: Instant Artist1.00-10.0
UEFA Champions League 2006-20071.00-none
UEFA Euro 2008: Austria-Switzerland1.00-none
UFC 2009 Undisputed  Read the manual1.00de en es fr it8.7
UFC Personal Trainer: The Ultimate Fitness System1.00-10.0
UFC Undisputed 20101.00de en es fr it7.7
UFC Undisputed 3  Read the manual1.00-8.0
Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3  Read the manual1.00de en es fr it ja8.3
Ultra Street Fighter IV  Read the manual1.00de en es fr it ja ko10.0
Universe at War: Earth Assault1.00de en es fr it8.0
Unreal Tournament III  Read the manual1.00de en es fr it8.5

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only