Samurai Shodown1.00-none
Scratch Golf1.00-none
Shaq Fu1.00-none
Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya1.00-9.5
Shining Force: The Sword of Hajya (Virtual Console)1.00-none
Shinobi (Virtual Console)1.10-none
Shinobi II: The Silent Fury1.00-none
Side Pocket1.00-none
Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the Space Mutants1.00-none
Simpsons, The: Bart vs. the World1.00-none
Simpsons, The: Bartman Meets Radioactive Man1.00-none
Solitaire FunPak1.00-none
Solitaire Poker1.00-none
Sonic Blast1.00-7.8
Sonic Chaos1.00en10.0
Sonic Drift 21.00-7.7
Sonic Labyrinth1.00-7.7
Sonic Labyrinth (Virtual Console)1.00-none
Sonic Spinball1.00en5.3
Sonic The Hedgehog1.00en8.8
Sonic The Hedgehog1.10-10.0
Sonic The Hedgehog (Virtual Console)1.10-none
Sonic The Hedgehog 21.00-10.0
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Auto Demo)1.00-none
Sonic The Hedgehog 2 (Virtual Console)1.00-6.0
Sonic The Hedgehog: Triple Trouble1.00en9.3
Space Harrier1.00-none
Spider-Man: Return of the Sinister Six1.00-none
Spider-Man: X-Men - Arcade's Revenge1.00-none
Sports Illustrated: Championship Football & Baseball1.00-none
Sports Trivia1.00-none
Sports Trivia: Championship Edition1.00-none
Star Trek Generations: Beyond the Nexus1.00-none
Star Trek: The Next Generation - The Advanced Holodeck Tutorial1.00-none
Star Wars1.00-none
Star Wars (Alt)1.00-none
Streets of Rage1.00-none
Streets of Rage 21.00-none
Super Battletank1.00-none
Super Columns1.00-none
Super Golf1.00-none
Super Monaco GP1.00ennone
Super Off Road1.00-none
Super Smash T.V.1.00-none
Super Space Invaders1.00-none
Super Star Wars: Return of the Jedi1.00-none
Surf Ninjas1.00ennone

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only