Official Game Genie Codes
DF2E-3DD9 | Start with 2 lives
D72E-3DD9 | Start with 4 lives
C26A-4700 | Infinite lives
F682-CFAD | Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 3/4 full when outside
FD82-CFAD | Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 1/2 full when outside
D682-CFAD | Cattle Prod energy recharges to about 1/4 full when outside
C285-C76D | Infinite Cattle Prod energy when outside
C2CB-3407 | Infinite 1st weapons when outside
8289-4DAD | Infinite 2nd weapons when outside--Except gas grenade
EDEA-4767 | Cattle Prod energy recharges to 1/2 full when inside
C282-4B65 | Infinite Cattle Prod energy when inside
3CC4-3C65 + 3CCA-36D5 | Infinite 1st weapons when inside
C2C6-3BD1 | Infinite 2nd weapons when inside--Except gas grenade
C2B8-C4D0 | Infinite continues with 4 lives
D0BC-CDA0 | Continue 1st time with 5 lives
D0BC-C7D0 | Continue with 5 lives after 1st continue
DF23-3469 | Start with 1 egg needed |