Official Game Genie Codes
DBBE-446F | Start with 10 lives
D1BE-446F | Start with 7 lives
D0BE-446F | Start with 5 lives
DDBE-446F | Start with 1 life
C2B9-3404 | Infinite lives
D6BE-47AF | Start with less energy
4DBE-47AF | Start with more energy
C2B9-1FF7 | Infinite energy
6DB5-CD97 | Most enemies are defeated with one shot
23BD-3F07 | Start with all weapons and all enemies defeated--Except Sigma
C9B3-4769 | Infinite weapons once you have them
Sometimes jumps will go back to normal
D08A-1FBC | Bogus jump
D58A-1FBC | Super jump
DB8A-1FBC | Mega-jump
DDB0-4FA1 | Disable weapon charging
DDB1-4F61 | Weapon charges to 1st power level faster |