Official Game Genie Codes
C28F-AF4D | Protection from most small monsters
3CA0-0DC7 | Infinite life energy
CEAE-0D17 | Infinite magic-must have enough MP for spell to work
CB2A-C4D9 | More energy from apples
4F27-1F00 + 4020-1FD0 | Super jump
FC27-1F00 + 4020-1FD0 | Mega-jump
DD86-674F + 3C86-671F | Colored doors don't need keys
B32C-4FA0 + CD2C-4700 | Super speed
D9AC-6437 | 'Slow' spell lasts 2x as long
D6AC-6437 | 'Slow' spell lasts 3x as long
D9AB-6FC7 | 'Freeze' spell lasts 2x as long
D6AB-6FC7 | 'Freeze' spell lasts 3x as long |