Pac-Man Collection1.0-8.6
Pac-Man Collection (Virtual Console)1.0-5.5
Pac-Man Pinball Advance1.0-7.5
Pac-Man World1.0-6.6
Pac-Man World 21.0-6.8
Paws & Claws: Best Friends - Dogs & Cats1.0-5.5
Paws & Claws: Pet Resort1.0-5.5
Paws & Claws: Pet Vet1.0-1.0
Peter Pan: Return to Neverland1.1-6.3
Peter Pan: The Motion Picture Event1.0-8.0
Petz Vet1.0-1.0
Petz: Hamsterz Life 21.0-7.0
Phantasy Star Collection1.0-8.5
Phil of the Future1.0-7.8
Piglet's Big Game1.0-7.5
Pinball of the Dead, The1.0-8.0
Pinball Tycoon1.0-1.0
Pink Panther: Pinkadelic Pursuit1.0-8.7
Pinobee: Wings of Adventure1.0-8.8
Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest1.0de en es fr it8.6
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl1.0de en es fr it8.3
Pitfall: The Lost Expedition1.0-6.7
Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure1.0-7.0
Planet Monsters1.0de en es fr it nl8.7
Planet of the Apes1.0de en es fr it nl8.0
Pocket Dogs1.0-8.8
Pocket Professor: Kwik Notes - Volume One1.0-6.8
Pocky & Rocky with Becky1.0-7.7
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Red Rescue Team1.0-8.6
Pokemon Pinball: Ruby & Sapphire1.0-8.7
Pokemon: Aurora Ticket Distribution (Kiosk)1.0-7.8
Pokemon: Emerald Version  Read the manual1.0-9.0
Pokemon: FireRed Version1.1-9.3
Pokemon: Leaf Green (Pirate)1.0-1.0
Pokemon: LeafGreen Version  Read the manual1.1-9.1
Pokemon: Ruby Version  Read the manual1.2-8.8
Pokemon: Sapphire Version  Read the manual1.2-9.0
Polar Express, The1.0de en es fr it6.2
Polarium Advance1.0-4.5
Polarium Advance (Virtual Console)1.0-1.0
Polly Pocket! Super Splash Island (DSI)1.0-6.0
Polly Pocket! Super Splash Island (Vivendi)1.0-1.0
Popeye: Rush for Spinach1.0de en es fr it7.3
Power Rangers S.P.D.1.0-8.0
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder1.0-8.8
Power Rangers: Ninja Storm1.0-7.5
Power Rangers: Time Force1.0-7.3
Power Rangers: Wild Force1.0-8.8
Powerpuff Girls, The: Him and Seek1.0-8.2
Powerpuff Girls, The: Mojo Jojo A-Go-Go1.0de en es fr it nl7.9
Prehistorik Man1.0de en es fr it nl7.5
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time1.1en es fr8.5
Princess Natasha: Student, Secret Agent, Princess1.0-6.7
Proud Family, The1.0-1.0
Punch King: Arcade Boxing1.0-5.0
Punch King: Arcade Boxing (Evercade)1.0-1.0
Puppy Luv: Spa and Resort1.0-1.0
Puyo Pop1.0en ja6.0

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only