Samurai Shodown V1.0de en es fr it ja9.5
Samurai Warriors1.0-9.0
Scaler1.0de en fr9.0
Scarface: The World Is Yours1.0-9.8
Scooby-Doo! Mystery Mayhem1.0de en fr7.3
Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights1.0-8.8
Scooby-Doo! Unmasked1.0en es fr it8.0
SeaWorld Adventure Parks: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures1.0-10.0
Second Sight1.0de en es fr it10.0
Secret Weapons over Normandy1.0-9.0
Sega GT 2002  Read the manual1.0en ja9.3
Sega GT 2002 + JSRF: Jet Set Radio Future1.0en ja9.0
Sega GT Online1.0en ja7.3
Sega Soccer Slam1.0-none
Serious Sam1.0-9.6
Serious Sam II1.0de en fr it10.0
Shadow Ops: Red Mercury1.0-none
Shadow the Hedgehog1.0de en es fr it ja7.6
Shattered Union1.0-none
ShellShock: Nam '671.0en es fr it8.3
Shenmue II1.0-9.4
Showdown: Legends of Wrestling1.0-8.0
Shrek 21.0-10.0
Shrek Super Party1.0-8.7
Sid Meier's Pirates!1.0de en es fr it9.5
Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams  Read the manual1.0en ja9.6
Silent Hill 4: The Room1.0en ja ko10.0
Silent Scope Complete1.0-8.0
Simpsons, The: Hit & Run1.0-9.6
Simpsons, The: Road Rage  Read the manual1.0-9.3
Sims 2, The1.0-9.0
Sims, The1.0-9.2
Sims, The: Bustin' Out1.0-10.0
Smashing Drive  Read the manual1.0-6.0
Sneak King1.0-9.0
Sneakers  Read the manual1.0-none
Sniper Elite1.0-6.7
SNK vs. Capcom: SVC Chaos1.0en ja7.0
Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix  Read the manual1.0-9.0
Sonic Heroes1.0de en es fr it ja8.9
Sonic Mega Collection Plus1.0en ja8.6
Sonic Riders1.0de en es fr it ja7.1
Soulcalibur II1.0-9.4
Spartan: Total Warrior1.0-9.0
Spawn: Armageddon1.0-7.3
Speed Kings1.0-9.3
Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy1.0-9.7
Spider-Man  Read the manual1.1-9.0
Spider-Man 21.0-9.1
Spikeout: Battle Street1.0de en es fr it ja8.6
Splat Magazine Renegade Paintball1.0-10.0
Spy vs. Spy1.0-8.8
SpyHunter 21.0-none
SpyHunter: Nowhere to Run1.0-none
Spyro: A Hero's Tail1.0-10.0
SRS: Street Racing Syndicate1.0-9.0
SSX 31.0-9.5
SSX on Tour1.0-8.0
SSX Tricky  Read the manual1.0-9.3
Stacked with Daniel Negreanu1.0-none
Stake: Fortune Fighters1.0de en es fr it10.0
Star Trek: Shattered Universe1.0-none
Star Wars: Battlefront1.0-8.6
Star Wars: Battlefront II1.0en es it9.0
Star Wars: Battlefront II  Read the manual1.1en es it8.7
Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith1.0-7.5
Star Wars: Jedi Knight - Jedi Academy1.0de en fr8.6
Star Wars: Jedi Knight II - Jedi Outcast  Read the manual1.0-8.7
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter1.0-6.7
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic1.1-9.1
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II - The Sith Lords1.0-8.7
Star Wars: Obi-Wan1.0-6.6
Star Wars: Republic Commando1.0-8.5
Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition1.0-6.7
Star Wars: The Clone Wars  Read the manual1.0-7.7
Star Wars: The Clone Wars + Tetris Worlds1.0-7.3
Starsky & Hutch1.0-9.0
State of Emergency1.0-7.0
Steel Battalion1.0-10.0
Still Life1.0de en es fr it8.0
Stolen1.0de en es fr it10.0
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection1.0en ja9.0
Street Hoops1.0-9.0
Strike Force Bowling1.0-9.0
Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse1.0-8.7
Sudeki1.0de en es fr it9.0
Suffering, The1.0-8.1
Suffering, The: Ties That Bind1.0en fr9.6
Super Bubble Pop1.0-none
Super Monkey Ball Deluxe1.0-9.5
Superman Returns1.0-8.0
Superman: The Man of Steel1.0-8.5
SWAT: Global Strike Team1.0-none
SX Superstar1.0-none
Syberia1.0de en es fr it9.0
Syberia II1.0de en es fr it9.5

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only