Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom1.0-8.3
Hakuoki: Warriors of the Shinsengumi1.0-8.5
Half-Minute Hero1.0-8.7
Hammerin' Hero1.01-7.3
Hannah Montana: Rock Out the Show1.0en fr6.3
Hannspree Ten Kate Honda: SBK Superbike World Championship1.01en es fr5.0
Hard Rock Casino1.02-8.7
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire1.0-9.7
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince1.0en es fr7.7
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix1.0-8.5
Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl1.0-8.1
Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley1.0-8.0
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law1.0-8.0
Hellboy: The Science of Evil1.0-6.5
Hexyz Force1.0-8.5
Hilton Garden Inn: Ultimate Team Play1.0-8.0
Hot Brain1.0de en es fr it8.5
Hot Pixel1.02-3.6
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee2.0-8.5
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 (FW3.80)1.0-none
Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2 (FW3.96)1.0-8.5
Hot Shots Tennis: Get a Grip1.01en es fr8.3
Hot Wheels: Ultimate Racing1.02-9.4
Hustle, The: Detroit Streets1.01-8.0

Extras:  Translated
Versions:  Newest Only
Discs:  First Only